Innovation and entrepreneurship for the promotion of the wood value chain oriented to sustainable construction (CONSTRUYENDO MADERAULA)

PRTR Call for Proposals Project

The Construyendo Maderaula project aims to develop an integral value chain based on native wood species, Scots pine and laricio pine, taking advantage of the benefits of industrialized construction with local and sustainable materials, as well as the necessary decarbonization of the construction sector.

Line of action:

Terrestrial ecosystems


En ejecución


Soria, Burgos and Segovia (Castile and Leon), Cuenca and Guadalajara (Castile-La Mancha)

Geographic scope:


Execution date:



09/02/2024 - 31/12/2025


Development and diversification of forestry uses and harvests

Total budget:

1,984,992.79 euros

Amount of aid from the Biodiversity Foundation:

1,885,743.15 euros






The construction sector plays a key role in the economy and its decarbonization. It is essential to transform this sector towards more sustainable and efficient practices, and the use of wood from sustainably managed forests is a key alternative.

The forest bioeconomy is presented as a key strategy in this transformation. The use of wood from sustainably managed forests contributes to forest conservation and generates employment opportunities in rural communities, reducing dependence on imported resources. However, to date, the demand for structural timber and wood technology products is being met mostly with imported timber and to a lesser extent with products manufactured domestically from allochthonous timber. The implementation of this project plays a key role in decarbonization in the construction sector, boosting the economic development of rural villages, those depopulated areas that need to be integrated into the construction of a greener, more resilient and fairer Spain.

Activate an ecosystem of green entrepreneurship that allows to deploy the potential of the forest bioeconomy as a lever for rural development and biodiversity restoration, through the promotion and integration of a new timber value chain, based on native coniferous species, especially focused on the industrialized construction sector.

  • Communication awareness: Plan. Web. RRSS. Campaigns, events, workshops on gender perspective.
  • Implementation of quantification, optimization and wood classification technologies: Demonstrative actions in Scots pine and laricio pine. Laricio mechanical sorting system. Production of sawn timber grading.
  • Potential for manufacturing structural technology products: Demonstration. Yields. Methodologies.
  • Development of innovative construction products: Straw and wool. Methodologies of use. Characterization.
  • EMPRENDE CON MADERAULA: Implementation of mechanical sorting. Market analysis of products and systems. Business models. Entrepreneurship programs. Attraction
  • Competitive analysis of wood construction systems: Methodologies, case matrix, materials, calculation 1, calculation 2.
  • Training plan: Plan activation. STROKE. FSC certified. Assignment of building.
  • Project monitoring management: PGP. Monitoring. Evaluation of results. AP. Equality commitment.
linea de actuación

Innovation and entrepreneurship for the promotion of the wood value chain oriented to sustainable construction (CONSTRUYENDO MADERAULA)