Pastures account for more than a third of terrestrial ecosystems, half of Spain’s useful agricultural area and, if traditionally rainfed woody crops (olives, vines, nuts) are managed with permanent covers, the area could increase to two-thirds.
They play a key role as carbon sinks, in biodiversity conservation and in rural development. At present, many of them show signs of degradation, mainly due to the intensification and simplification of management in some cases, and the abandonment of the activity in others, thus threatening the supply of environmental goods and services.
Project to promote good agricultural and livestock practices in pastureland, woody crops and Mediterranean and mountain pastures, in order to restore soils and biodiversity, favouring the mitigation of climate change and rural development with the promotion of marketing and added value of the products generated.
To this end, it is foreseen, firstly, the implementation and monitoring of good practices under a comprehensive management approach (adaptive management plans, rotational grazing and implementation of technological innovations). In addition, the marketing of products with environmental value, training and promotion of green employment and the transfer and creation of networks will be encouraged.
Good practices will be implemented in 36 farms (5,800 ha), where increases are expected in environmental indicators (pollinators, soil fauna, vegetation, and carbon content in vegetation and soil) and in the amount of dry mass per hectare and quality of the pasture, as well as decreases in GHG emissions and carbon footprint. Likewise, it is expected to increase the gross margin/activity by 20%, by reducing feed costs and increasing animal production, marketing 3 new meat products with environmental value and having 15 PASTURE+ farms recognized in other differentiation frameworks at the end of the project.
Livestock products that restore natural capital, mitigate climate change and promote rural development (PASTURE +)