Promoting the forest bioeconomy in mountain socio-ecosystems through the enhancement of local silvopastoral systems, the rural communities that sustain them and the environmental benefits they provide, as a resilient strategy for sustainability and adaptation to climate change (EcoForGaM).

PRTR Call for Proposals Project

The project seeks to promote a multifunctional and resilient forest bioeconomy model in mountain areas of Madrid and Castilla y León, with low population density where forestry is one of the activities with great potential.

Line of action:

Terrestrial ecosystems


En ejecución


Madrid (Community of Madrid), Burgos, Segovia (Castilla y León)

Geographic scope:


Execution date:



01/03/2024 - 31/12/2025


Sustainable forest management

Total budget:

1,294,628.51 euros

Amount of aid from the Biodiversity Foundation:

1,153,172.03 euros (83.71%)

Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM)

Association for the Development of South Segovia

Local Action Group Association of the Sierra de la Demanda (AGALSA)

Local Action Group of the Sierra Norte de Madrid (GALSINMA)

The actions of this project highlight the value of the local silvopastoral systems of the rural communities that sustain them, as well as the environmental benefits that drive specific initiatives, generate green employment, useful technical information to incorporate into forest management plans and facilitate measures to address them. EcoForGaM actively involves local rural communities in silvopastoral management, strengthening their capacity to adapt to climate change and their proactivity to conserve it.

The main objective of EcoForGaM is to promote a multifunctional and resilient forest bioeconomy model in mountain territories of Madrid and Castilla y León.

  • Socioeconomic and cultural diagnosis.
  • Socio-ecological diagnosis and proposals.
  • Feasibility study of value-added initiatives.
  • Generation of an interactive viewer.
  • Ecological restoration of mountain pastures and promotion of sustainable agropastoral activity. Madrid.
  • Interventions in South Segovia.
  • Integral treatment of oak stands of pollarded oaks. Madrid.
  • Use of the green fraction. Cabanillas de la Sierra composting plant. Madrid.
  • Forestry interventions in Sierra de la Demanda. Burgos.
  • Training and dissemination plan in Sierra de la Demanda. Burgos.
  • Education and training in practices and jobs related to the forest bioeconomy.
  • Systematization of results.
  • Elaboration of a practical guide to include the bioeconomy.
linea de actuación

Promoting the forest bioeconomy in mountain socio-ecosystems through the enhancement of local silvopastoral systems, the rural communities that sustain them and the environmental benefits they provide, as a resilient strategy for sustainability and adaptation to climate change (EcoForGaM).