Promotion of the bioeconomy for the conservation of biodiversity in the north of the Serra de Tramuntana, Mallorca (BioTramuntana)

PRTR Call for Proposals Project

To promote the use and conservation of natural resources and biodiversity in mountain estates and municipalities in the north of the Sierra de Tramuntana, developing tools, infrastructures and interrelationships that generate a transformative environmental and social impact.

Line of action:

Terrestrial ecosystems


En ejecución


Balearic Islands

Geographic scope:


Execution date:



15/09/2022 - 31/12/2025


Set of bioeconomy and sustainable development actions in a territory

Total budget:

903,863.16 euros

Amount of aid from the Biodiversity Foundation:

€858,670.00 (95%)

Coordinating entity:

Mediterranean Wildlife Foundation

General Foundation of the University of Alcalá

The Sierra de Tramuntana has suffered a great deal of agricultural and livestock abandonment in recent decades due to the lack of economic performance involved in the management of mountain farms. Climate change and the overcrowding caused by invasive hiking are other pressures that affect crops, pollinators and water resources, putting the region’s economy and biodiversity at risk.

The Sierra de Tramuntana has suffered a great deal of agricultural and livestock abandonment in recent decades due to the lack of economic performance involved in the management of mountain farms. Climate change and the overcrowding caused by invasive hiking are other pressures that affect crops, pollinators and water resources, putting the region’s economy and biodiversity at risk. The project will highlight the value of the land stewardship network as an effective tool for the conservation of biodiversity and the promotion of the bioeconomy.

The project foresees the signing of new custody agreements, promoting the local marketing of food products produced on the farms through the creation of a quality seal, a local and responsible consumption network and a workshop where these products are transformed, packaged and labelled. On the farms, it is also planned to carry out interventions to improve the quality of water and soil, actions to promote pollinators and the creation of infrastructures for biodiversity. Conservation actions for the black vulture and osprey are also proposed, including the release and monitoring of specimens, the census and surveillance of nests, the placement of cameras and the distribution of lead-free ammunition to hunters. All this complemented by the development of dissemination and awareness activities on the natural and cultural heritage of the mountains.

The signing of 4 new stewardship agreements, in addition to the 6 existing ones, will imply having a custodial area of up to 8,000 ha. Interventions on farms are expected to result in a decrease in stream pollution, soil loss, and crop fertilization, as well as improvements in agricultural production and soil agronomic characteristics; all complemented by increases in the number of bats, insectivorous birds and insects. In addition, the availability of a direct point of sale for the products generated on the farms and six points in local shops, and the development of 6 guided tours per year, 3 cooking workshops and 2 days of product presentation, complement the main expected results of the project.

linea de actuación

Promotion of the bioeconomy for the conservation of biodiversity in the north of the Serra de Tramuntana, Mallorca (BioTramuntana)