The care and rescue, by a stranding network, is of great importance both at the level of on-site care on the beach, and for their subsequent admission to the recovery center of the animals that are stranded alive and thus increase their survival rate. In addition, strandings of marine animals are one of the main sources of scientific information, they assume an important role in the scientific field, intervening in research, monitoring and care. Through complementary evidence and analyses such as necropsies, it has been possible to determine the causes of death related to anthropogenic or natural activities.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION: The project plans to improve the care and rescue of strandings of turtles and marine mammals on the coast of Almeria, as well as to work on the training of the technical personnel who participate in this activity.
RED-Med also contemplates the awareness of coastal communities and society.
The project will make it possible to determine the causes of death related to anthropogenic or natural activities and to formulate proposals that mitigate the impact of anthropic activities on these animals.
Finally, RED-Med seeks to increase environmental awareness and dissemination, so that society adopts responsible behaviour in the face of these events.
marine environment.
Reinforcement of the stranding network and care for mammals and sea turtles on the coast of Almeria (RED-Med Project)