This project aims to contribute to the monitoring of the effects of the impacts caused by the increase in extreme events due to climate change in Marine Protected Areas (AMP) and its possible multiplicative effects with eutrophication and on the spread of invasive algae. Caulerpa cylindracea in the marine habitat of community interest reef (1170) through field experiments.
The information obtained can be used to update the status of three descriptors foreseen in the Marine Strategy (biodiversity, invasive allochthonous species and eutrophication) in order to obtain a scientific knowledge base for decision-making regarding climate change adaptation and mitigation.
The general objective is to evaluate the effect of climate change impacts on Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) due to the eutrophication of the marine habitat of community interest reef (1170) and the expansion of the invasive alga Caulerpa cylindracea.
It has the following specific objectives:
Adaptation research: understanding the effects of extreme weather events on coastal reefs (EXTREME-REEF)