Ariant Biological Reserve as an example of biodiversity management


  • The project developed by the Mediterranean Wildlife Foundation has improved the knowledge of the biodiversity present in the protected area of the Ariant Biological Reserve.
  • Numerous actions have been carried out focused on different aspects that have an impact on the conservation of the area and its biodiversity.
  • The breeding pairs of black vultures(Aegypus monachus) present in the reserve have been monitored and a surveillance program of the nesting areas has been carried out.
  • In addition, species considered bioindicators of the effects of climate change have been monitored.
  • The initiative has worked on the control of exotic and invasive species.
  • The project has been complemented with actions to promote knowledge and raise awareness of the importance of biodiversity among citizens. To this end, a volunteer plan has been developed, project dissemination actions have been carried out and a report on the results of the project has been sent to the competent authorities.

Line of action:

Terrestrial ecosystems



Execution date:

Mediterranean Wildlife Foundation

The entity points out that the Ariant Biological Reserve is a place of habitat and species conservation, where diverse protection figures converge. The project aims to improve knowledge on the conservation status of terrestrial elements of the Spanish natural heritage present in the Ariant Biological Reserve. Thus, the aim is to study in depth species included in the list of wild species under special protection and the Spanish catalog of endangered species, while applying risk prevention measures through control and eradication actions for species included in the Spanish catalog of invasive exotic species. In a cross-cutting manner, the aim is to promote the information obtained to society in order to foster biodiversity conservation.

The main objective of the project has been to monitor the biodiversity included in the Spanish Inventory of Natural Heritage.

Specific objectives include:

  • Continue to produce standardized monitoring data for the world’s only insular population of black vulture Aegypius monachus.
  • Implementation of a biodiversity monitoring system through the use of bioindicators of climate change.
  • Apply measures to prevent risks to biodiversity: actions against invasive exotic species.
  • Develop actions to promote knowledge and understanding of the importance of biodiversity and, in turn, to promote attitudinal changes.
  • Determine the number of breeding pairs of black vultures breeding in the Ariant Biological Reserve.
  • To determine the survival of breeding pairs of black vultures in Ariant.
  • Determine the number of weekly carrion inputs to the midden located in the Ariant Biological Reserve.
  • To carry out a surveillance program of the black vulture breeding areas in the Ariant Biological Reserve and other farms in custody of the territory.
  • Implement a monitoring program for breeding and wintering birds in the Ariant Biological Reserve.
  • Initiate a butterfly monitoring program over time in the Ariant Biological Reserve.
  • To carry out a monitoring of the flora population of Pimpinella bicknellii.
  • Conduct an inventory of bat species present in the Ariant Biological Reserve.
  • Census of breeding territories of the Balearic toad Bufotes balearicus in the Ariant Biological Reserve.
  • Census of breeding territories of the Balearic toad Alytes muletensis in the Ariant Biological Reserve.
  • Monitoring for early warning of invasive alien species.
  • To develop a volunteer plan for the execution of the surveillance program of the black vulture breeding areas in the Ariant Biological Reserve and other farms in custody of the territory.
  • Dissemination of the project’s actions through various channels: press, web and social networks.
  • Sending a report with the results of the project to the competent authorities.
  • Communication and dissemination of the project in general.

The project has improved knowledge of the biodiversity present in the protected area of the Ariant Biological Reserve, an estate located in the Serra de Tramuntana (Mallorca), in the municipalities of Pollença and Escorca. The organization has carried out numerous actions focused on different aspects that have an impact on the conservation of the area and its biodiversity.

Within the framework of this project, the breeding pairs of black vulture (Aegypus monachus) present in the reserve have been monitored and a surveillance program of the nesting areas has been carried out.

Monitoring of species considered bioindicators of the effects of climate change has also been carried out, among which groups such as birds, bats and butterflies, a plant species, Pimpinella bicknellii, endemic to the Serra de Tramuntana and two amphibians of interest, the endemic Balearic toad (Alytes muletensis) and the Balearic toad (Bufotes balearicus) were chosen. In addition, work has been carried out to control exotic and invasive species (IAS) such as the butterfly(Paysandisia archon), the horseshoe snake (Hemorrhois hippocrepis), the Asian wasp(Vespa velutina), the coati(Nasua nasua) and the raccoon (Procyon lotor).

All this has been complemented with actions to promote knowledge and raise awareness of the importance of biodiversity among citizens. To this end, a volunteer plan has been developed for the breeding area monitoring program, the project has been disseminated through various communication channels and a report with the results of the project has been sent to the competent authorities.

With the completion of the project, it is expected to continue working on the conservation of biodiversity on the island of Mallorca, monitoring and surveillance of endangered species and bioindicator species of climate change, carrying out the control of IAS and performing environmental education functions within the framework of various projects.

linea de actuación

Ariant Biological Reserve as an example of biodiversity management