Biodiversity and science strategy



    • Ministry of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge (MITECO).
      • General Directorate of Biodiversity, Forests and Desertification (DGBBD)
      • Autonomous Organism of National Parks (OAPN)
      • Biodiversity Foundation (FB)
    • Ministry of Science and Innovation (MCIN)
      • General Directorate for Research Planning (DGPI)
      • Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC)
      • Funding agencies under the MCIN.


Integrating nature into socioeconomic models is an urgent task. The planet is in a continuous process of biodiversity loss and facing new scenarios in which it is necessary to apply greater impetus and coordination between policies, strategies, projects and actions that address a transformative change that minimizes the effects and, in turn, generates added value for the economy and society. Scientific knowledge is a fundamental pillar for approaching decision-making with the necessary rigor and maximizing its effectiveness.

The Biodiversity and Science Strategy (BS&S) is presented as an integrating tool that links national biodiversity and natural heritage initiatives with those of science, technology and innovation. It takes advantage of common objectives, synergies and existing infrastructures and shares the following needs:

  • Enhance the development of scientific knowledge on biodiversity and ensure informed knowledge of existing biodiversity.
  • Align scientific knowledge and improve its availability for strategic and management decision-making.

This initiative is part of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (PRTR) funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU.

The PRTR includes the preparation and approval of the Biodiversity and Science Strategy to act as a bridge between conservation policies, sustainable use, improvement and restoration of natural heritage and biodiversity, as well as sectoral policies, science and the practical implementation of actions to improve knowledge and conservation of biodiversity, supported by the implementation of a management and monitoring system for biodiversity knowledge.

In response to the need to incorporate science into decision-making, the Spanish Strategy for Science, Technology and Innovation 2021-2027 (EECTI) is committed to placing science, technology and innovation as key axes in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda.

The EECTI prioritizes and responds to the challenges of national strategic sectors in specific areas that will be key to knowledge transfer and the promotion of R&D&I in the Spanish business fabric.

This Biodiversity and Science Strategy (EByC) aims to facilitate the implementation of the EECTI in the field of biodiversity conservation. Among the strategic lines that structure the EECTI are those linked to “Climate, energy and mobility” and “Food, Bioeconomy, Nature and Environment” and it is in this context of concrete application of these two strategic lines in the field of biodiversity where the present Biodiversity and Science Strategy (BS&S) is born and is imbricated, which aims to facilitate the implementation of the EECTI in the field of biodiversity conservation.

Development of the strategy

The first step in the process of drafting the B&CS was the creation of an initial draft of the document based on a literature review. This draft was divided into three areas:

  • Vertebration of the strategy.
  • Generation of knowledge for management.
  • Transfer and communication.

The key principles on which the strategy is based are consensus and commitment, participation with a gender perspective, recognition of the value of research and knowledge production, and effective governance.

During the process of developing the strategy, three participatory workshops were held with the participation of a total of 86 people from the scientific sector, public administrations and civil society.

Finally, the strategy proposal was drafted. The result has been a document that includes the most relevant issues of the initial proposal, as well as the needs detected as a result of the participatory workshops. This document includes the missions, goals, objectives, lines of action and actions. It also contains an annex that develops the priority lines of research in species, ecosystems, causes of biodiversity loss, social dimension and enhancement, and business and biodiversity.

Line of action:

Knowledge generation and management


En ejecución

Execution date:


End date:


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The main objective is to organize, within the framework and as an application of the Spanish Strategy and the Spanish Science, Technology and Innovation Plan (EECTI and PECTI), a system that favors the generation and transfer of knowledge on biodiversity and ecosystem services, of high quality, inclusive and effective, that meets the needs of planning and management to achieve its protection, conservation, sustainable use, restoration and its economic and social value.

Based on this objective, the following goals have been identified:

  • Achieve better scientific knowledge on biodiversity, ecosystems, the services they provide and their interrelationships.
  • Align scientific priorities with the needs of biodiversity monitoring and management.
  • Ensure that decisions affecting biodiversity at all levels are made on the basis of the best available scientific knowledge.
  • Increase and promote the accessibility of sound, quality scientific knowledge for biodiversity conservation to decision-makers and society as a whole.

The Biodiversity and Science Strategy establishes a consensual working framework that proposes six lines of action and 12 key actions to be carried out by the general administration and different state public sector agencies,
and in which different stakeholders are involved, within a period of four years from its approval.

The lines of action that form the backbone of the strategy consist of improving the identification of scientific needs for biodiversity monitoring and management, promoting coordination mechanisms for knowledge generation, involving society in the generation of knowledge, promoting Spanish science in the international context, and communicating and transferring scientific knowledge. The final objective is to reinforce the alignment of science in relevant decision-making in planning policies, conservation, restoration and sustainable management of biodiversity and to regulate the necessary instruments for knowledge and planning of natural heritage and biodiversity.

  • Preparation of an initial proposal.
  • Document submitted for public participation.
  • Holding of three workshops.
  • Preparation of a draft based on the conclusions drawn from the three workshops.
  • Dissemination of the document.
  • Document submitted to the Council of Ministers for approval.
linea de actuación

Biodiversity and science strategy