The actions of this project aim to improve the production, accessibility, purchasing power and information of sustainable products and services.
It also aims to promote successful experiences, identify barriers and opportunities to promote measures that integrate and encourage these healthier lifestyles, coordinate policies that promote them, promote governance and cooperation, and train different agents.
In the field of communication and awareness, it seeks to invite citizens to reflect in order to promote sustainable lifestyles to recover nature, and ensure our health and human well-being, as well as to convey the importance and benefits of the ecological transition of our production and consumption systems.
Specific objectives:
Strengthen cooperation and coordination among actors through a multi-stakeholder, multi-level and multi-sectoral alliance/platform to promote sustainable lifestyles.
Promote transformative models of sustainable lifestyles.
Replicate and scale EVS models through the promotion of public policies, knowledge dissemination, awareness and communication.
On the other hand, and in a transversal manner, the project has an approach oriented to take into account aspects related to just transition, focusing special attention on disadvantaged groups and aspects of equality and gender.
The main actions planned are as follows:
Knowledge creation and management.
Social and psychosocial analysis of factors influencing lifestyle changes. These influential factors, pro-environmental behaviors and consumption patterns have been identified to generate a greater link and connection between people and nature and generate healthy and wholesome habits.
Analysis to identify barriers and opportunities. The regulatory, fiscal and budgetary context and the internalization of costs and incentives contrary to biodiversity as a driving or limiting factor for changes in lifestyles will be studied. It will include sectorial and legal proposals that will be transferred to the competent public administrations in order to be implemented.
Green Public Procurement
Manual of good practices in eco-public procurement. This manual establishes the basis for the preparation of official publications in accordance with environmental criteria. As part of the preparation process, the I Conference on Eco-publishing in the General State Administration was held.
Promotion of the Ecological Public Procurement Plan of the General State Administration. Promote and encourage Green Public Procurement (CPECO) as an effective tool for the achievement of environmental policies related to the reduction of the use of natural resources, climate change and to facilitate changes in sustainable production, use and consumption models.
Guidance on environmental criteria in the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan: the principle of no significant harm to the environment (DNSH) in public procurement and other forms of management of public funds. It will include general recommendations for the inclusion of environmental criteria in the PRTR, which would indicate guidelines and legal proposals for differentiated criteria and clauses for calls for subsidies and public contracts that execute PRTR funds.
Sustainability and replicability of the project
Communication strategy and campaign for the promotion of EVS and change of narratives. Framework communication and awareness campaigns will be designed to convey the importance of changing our lifestyles towards sustainability and the relevance of conserving biodiversity to protect the health of the planet and our health, and its fundamental role in green recovery and ecological transition.
Promoting public policies and fostering learning and knowledge related to the EVS. Joining efforts from the public and private spheres to promote transformative models of production and consumption.
Seminar “Challenges and opportunities in changing lifestyles to recover nature”.
The Biodiversity Foundation held at its headquarters in Seville, on March 16, 2023, the IV Biodiversity Gateway Seminar: “Challenges and opportunities in changing lifestyles to recover nature”. The results of the report, the presentations of the event and the reports of the working groups can be consulted in the report of the seminar, which is available in the “Links of interest” section of this page. The complete video of the conference can be viewed at the following link:
The promotion of sustainable lifestyles is a fundamental strategy to recover nature, through the project “Changing lifestyles to recover nature”, financed by the European Union -NextGenerationEU, in which the Biodiversity Foundation develops actions aimed at the integration and promotion of more sustainable lifestyles.
Changing lifestyles to recover nature