Club de Fincas. A tool for the promotion of land stewardship and the protection of the habitats linked to the dehesa.


  • The project has contributed to the promotion of land stewardship and conservation actions in the western Iberian Peninsula, in farms located in Natura 2000 Network areas to ensure the protection of their natural habitats and biodiversity.
  • Among other actions, a total of 500 trees have been planted to restore the riparian forest and dehesa in protected areas within the Natura 2000 Network.
  • It has allowed the restoration and improvement of pasture and riparian habitats and the monitoring of various species of interest such as the black stork and the black vulture.

Line of action:

Terrestrial ecosystems



Execution date:

Nature and Man Foundation

The aim of the Club de Fincas project is to guarantee the continuity of the conservation actions carried out in the western Iberian Peninsula, within the Red Natura 2000 areas; Campo de Azaba, Campo de Argañán, El Rebollar, Sierra de Gata and Valle de las Pilas, Río Erjas and Monfragüe. Based on the Stewardship Agreements already signed with farms in the western Iberian Peninsula, the aim is to improve the habitat of Quercus dehesas, riparian forests and temporary wetlands. Intensive monitoring of key species such as the black stork and the black vulture is also being pursued.

The main objective of the project has been to promote land stewardship and conservation actions in Red Natura 2000 areas in the target farms in the western Iberian Peninsula to ensure the protection of their natural habitats and biodiversity.

The specific objectives are:

  • Restoration of the Quercus dehesa habitat in the Red Natura 2000 areas included in the western Iberian Peninsula.
  • Restore riparian forests: alluvial forests of Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior, gallery forests of Salix alba and Populus alba, gallery forests and thermomediterranean riparian thickets, in the Sites of Community Interest (SCIs) Campo de Azaba, Monfragüe and El Rebollar.
  • Restoration and improvement of wetland habitat in the Campo de Azaba and Monfragüe SCIs.
  • Contribute to the conservation of habitats and threatened or endangered wild species included in the Habitats Directive.
  • Collaborate with the conservation and monitoring of wetlands as natural habitats on farms with a Custody Agreement signed in the western Iberian Peninsula and belonging to the Club de Fincas.
  • Restoration of Quercus sp. dehesa.
  • Restoration of riparian forest habitat in SCIs Campo de Azaba, Monfragüe and El Rebollar, as a mechanism for monitoring the ecological connectivity of the territory and the situation of habitat fragmentation.
  • Restoration and improvement of wetland habitat on farms that are members of the Club de Fincas through Stewardship Agreements.
  • Monitoring of breeding pairs of black storks.
  • Monitoring of breeding pairs of black vultures.
  • Improving trophic resources for predators to promote the conservation of wild or endangered species, such as the eagle owl, Bonelli’s eagle, golden eagle or Iberian imperial eagle.
  • Follow-up and maintenance of the entity’s network of dunghills in the western Iberian Peninsula.
  • Monitoring of wetlands to promote and support the development of the Spanish Inventory of Wetlands.
  • Dissemination and communication of the project.

The project has provided continuity to the actions that have been developed in the western Iberian Peninsula by the entity, as well as the opportunity to apply the knowledge acquired over the years.

The development of the initiative has also confirmed that the owners of farms with land stewardship agreements have been taking ownership of the management of the farms in a more sustainable way.

The restoration and improvement of pasture and riparian habitats around the ponds, the monitoring of various species of interest such as the black stork and the black vulture, and the improvement of trophic availability for other species have also been carried out. In addition, the management of several dunghills has continued and the wetlands in the work areas have been monitored.

Among the highlights of the project is the planting of 500 trees to restore the riparian forest and dehesa in protected areas within the Natura 2000 Network. Also, the repair of enclosures in a total of 12 ponds managed under the project. Likewise, 10 breeding pairs of black storks have been located and 15 offspring of this species have reached flight age. Thus, 50 breeding pairs of black vultures have also been located, of which 33 have produced chicks (more than 90 days old).

In addition, more than 25,000 kg of sandach have been added to three dunghills on the farms, and more than 510 kg of invasive ferns have been eliminated in the ponds where their presence was detected. Twenty-two ponds have been visited to measure various parameters and monitor their conservation status. Fifty-nine new individuals of European pond turtles have been captured and monitored and 23 species of odonates have been identified in Campanarios, 17 in El Rual and 6 in El Sestil.

In addition, a proposal for the creation of a Private Area of Ecological Interest in Sierra de Gata has been prepared and presented.

linea de actuación

Club de Fincas. A tool for the promotion of land stewardship and the protection of the habitats linked to the dehesa.