Soil and water management and biodiversity conservation are essential pillars for adaptation to climate change in Spanish agricultural and livestock farms.
With the new reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP 2023-2027), Member States must set out the details of their interventions through a strategic plan. The measures in favor of climate and the environment in the Strategic Plan for the CAP in Spain (PEPAC) include the eco-regime for plant cover in woody crops. The experience that UPA has acquired during the period of explanation of the new CAP is that this eco-regime is the least accepted by farmers.
The more than five million hectares of woody crops, highly exposed to the effects of climate change, require the use of scientific knowledge and pedagogical strategies to strengthen the implementation of vegetation covers.
Therefore, it is urgent to design a communication, training and counseling plan based on knowledge to overcome the barriers that currently exist in the sector for the implementation of this measure.
The main objective is to promote and evaluate, through scientific knowledge, the use of cover crops in woody crops as a measure of adaptation to climate change.
It has the following specific goals:
Discovering cover crops in woody crops (CUBIWOOD)