Identification and promotion of resilient and climate change-adapted lifestyles in Spain (Comparto Clima)


Through this project, the Vida Sana Association aims to promote resilient lifestyles adapted to climate change in Spain. To this end, concrete practices, examples and experiences will be identified and a handbook of good practices for a resilient lifestyle adapted to climate change will be developed.

Line of action:

Drivers of biodiversity loss


En ejecución

Execution date:


Total budget:

92.820,00 €

Amount of aid from the Biodiversity Foundation:

64.974,00 €

At the seminar Adaptation to Climate Change: Society, Education and Lifestyles of the National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change (PNACC), organized in 2019 by the Spanish Office for Climate Change and CENEAM, the need for a “comprehensive” communication effort was proposed to contribute to generate an collective thinking about a resilient lifestyle and for which prior work would be necessary to identify best practices.

This project aims to contribute to the identification of these good practices by taking advantage of the BioCultura fair, a meeting place for people and companies with a long history in the change of model.

The general objective of this project is to identify and promote resilient lifestyles adapted to climate change in Spain.

To this end, it has the following specific goals:

  • Define and identify resilient and climate change-adapted lifestyles in the existing literature.
  • Identify concrete practices directly with citizens, companies and organizations.
  • Promote resilient practices through a best practices manual.
  • Bibliographic review of articles published in Spain and countries with similar lifestyles.
  • Identify entities and individuals who are experts in each of the areas that define a resilient lifestyle and consult them on the different areas related to a resilient lifestyle.
  • Surveys of visitors and exhibiting companies at the BioCultura fair and identification of exemplary case studies.
  • Organization of workshops at BioCultura to identify best practices and exemplary case studies.
  • Questionnaire disseminated on the Vida Sana Association website and its networks to increase perspectives and examples of resilient lifestyles from concrete experiences of civil society and organizations and identification of exemplary case studies.
  • Publication of a manual of good practices for a resilient lifestyle adapted to climate change.
  • Dissemination and communication of the project.
linea de actuación

Identification and promotion of resilient and climate change-adapted lifestyles in Spain (Comparto Clima)