Retention, management and improvement of runoff water quality from the Cobatillas wadi with the creation of a flood park in San Javier (NBS-MM).


  • The project will generate a natural flood zone in an urban area of the municipality of San Javier where water from agricultural activities flows into the Mar Menor.
  • A biotechnology protocol will be used with various analytical processes of the water and sludge generated and its subsequent reuse under healthy conditions that do not affect the Mar Menor.

Line of action:

Terrestrial ecosystems


En ejecución

Execution date:


Total budget:

2.310.834,66 €

Amount of aid from the Biodiversity Foundation:

2.000.000,00 €

The overall objective is the transformation of a parking lot, built over a storm tank, into a floodable park within the urban area.

To this end, nature-based solutions will be implemented for the control of negative erosion and sedimentation processes, runoff, water management and/or the promotion of ecological connectivity and crop-associated biodiversity.

Specific goals include:

  • Restore the natural dynamics of ecosystems.
  • Establish the necessary control mechanisms to guarantee the adequate use of water and fertilizers.
  • Develop different interventions in the territory applying nature-based solutions that allow for greater functionality and resilience throughout the Mar Menor basin.
  • Strengthen knowledge, establish a monitoring system and develop a viable medium- and long-term strategy.
  • Creation of a green area that acts as a floodable park, including a permanent artificial lagoon of about 250 m2.
  • Updating of scientific knowledge thanks to the constitution of a Scientific Committee.
  • Communication, awareness and dissemination actions.
linea de actuación

Retention, management and improvement of runoff water quality from the Cobatillas wadi with the creation of a flood park in San Javier (NBS-MM).