Threatened gorgonian forests in the Strait of Gibraltar Natural Park: assessment of the conservation status and implementation of restoration measures (GOTARES)


  • The diversity, distribution and current state of gorgonian forests on the island of Tarifa have been evaluated, and restoration measures have been proposed to strengthen their populations, using transplantation techniques.
  • In about 3,000 square meters explored, 121 colonies were found between 5 and 35 meters deep and only five species were detected, with a dominance of species of a certain warm-tropical character.
  • A restoration protocol for gorgonians has been developed and scientific dissemination and awareness work has been carried out.
  • It is aligned with the objectives of the LIFE INTEMARES project.

Line of action:

Marine ecosystems



Execution date:


End date:


Total budget:


Amount of aid from the Biodiversity Foundation:


The gorgonian forests present in the protected area of the Strait of Gibraltar Natural Park have a high ecological and economic value for nearby human populations. Thanks to their three-dimensional configuration, they create breeding and nursery areas for numerous associated species and represent an incentive for responsible sports tourism (such as diving). The white gorgonian Eunicella singularis is one of the most common gorgonian species on rocky bottoms between 10 – 50 m deep in the western Mediterranean. However, currently, gorgonian forests have suffered a great regression in the environment of the Island of Tarifa. The increasing presence of the invasive algae Rugulopteryx okamurae, together with the increase in water temperature among other impacts, threaten the viability of these populations, negatively influencing the entire ecosystem, as well as local fishing activity and recreational diving.

It is vitally important to know the distribution and assess the state of gorgonian forests on the island of Tarifa and its immediate surroundings, and thus be able to propose future conservation measures.
Thus, the main objective of the project is to evaluate the distribution and conservation status of the underwater forests formed by the white gorgonian Eunicella singularis in the Natural Park of the Strait, to develop and implement restoration measures in tree gorgonians through cuttings and care in controlled laboratory conditions and subsequent reintroduction in their habitat of origin (geographical area and bathymetric elevation).

  • Location and characterization of the conservation status of Eunicella singularis colonies using autonomous diving equipment.
  • Collection of fragments of colonies, anchored in controlled conditions and reintroduction into their population of origin.
  • Monitoring of the survival and evolution of reintroduced colonies.
  • Dissemination of the project to local actors, such as workers and users of diving centres or fishermen’s guilds, so that they know the importance of conserving and preserving our natural environment.
  • The diversity, distribution and current state of gorgonian forests on the island of Tarifa have been evaluated, and restoration measures have been proposed to strengthen their populations, using transplantation techniques.
  • In about 3,000 square meters explored, 121 colonies between 5 and 35 meters deep were found and only five species were detected, with a dominance of species of a certain warm-tropical character, Eunicella labiata and Eunicella gazella, and very few specimens (around 2% of the colonies surveyed) of the species under study.
    This demonstrates, on the one hand, the existence of a change in the composition of key sciaphyllous species in recent decades and, on the other, the decline of the species Eunicella singularis on the island of Tarifa.
  • A restoration protocol for gorgonians has been developed in which manipulated gorgonian cuttings successfully survived before being reintroduced to the medium. Once reintroduced, they remained well anchored to the base substrate used.
  • Finally, scientific dissemination and awareness-raising work has been carried out with talks, visits, exhibitions and workshops, as well as information on websites, participation in local radio and television, and dissemination on the main social networks.
linea de actuación

Threatened gorgonian forests in the Strait of Gibraltar Natural Park: assessment of the conservation status and implementation of restoration measures (GOTARES)