In terms of the conservation and recovery of habitats and species, the Biodiversity Foundation works mainly through LIFE projects, which provide a framework for collaboration with different actors, including research centres, universities, autonomous communities and non-profit organisations.

Project coordinated by the Biodiversity Foundation that aims to improve the conservation status of more than 3,000 hectares of wetlands to reverse the risk of extinction of the marbled teal and achieve a minimum of 125 breeding pairs in our country. In addition, specific objectives include eliminating and mitigating threats to the species, such as the reduction of its habitat, hunting or the lack of water quantity and quality, strengthening the populations of the species through a captive breeding program, improving knowledge about the ecology of the shearwater teal, integrating the ecological requirements of the species into sectoral policies and raising awareness among key stakeholders about the importance of the species and its habitat.

The Biodiversity Foundation participates as a partner in this project, coordinating communication and awareness actions. This initiative, which runs until 2025 under the coordination of the Brown Bear Foundation, aims to contribute to the improvement of trophic availability in climate change scenarios through the planting and treatment of small groves of native species producing summer and winter fruits for bears and with low climatic vulnerability.

Initiative of the Biodiversity Foundation to promote and improve employment and entrepreneurship within the framework of the green transition. Aimed at unemployed, working and entrepreneurial people, the program aims to move towards a climate-neutral and regenerative economy, positive in nature, efficient in the use of resources and circular, to generate new employment and business opportunities.
In the new programming period 2021-2027, the Empleaverde Program evolves to drive a skills revolution that contributes to the ecological transition.
Thus, Empleaverde Plus will support transformative training projects through learning-by-doing methodologies and training projects for the green transition.
New themes are incorporated into the focus of the program, such as bioeconomy, restoration or green infrastructure, and the different policies related to the green transition are covered. The practical orientation of the actions is reinforced to respond to the current and future demand for green transition training based on studies, plans or programs and on the contribution to European and national strategies.
It is co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) and the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+).
The Biodiversity Foundation and the Spanish Climate Change Office have coordinated the preparation of this study “Employment and ecological transition. Sources of employment, labor transformation and training challenges in sectors related to climate change and biodiversity in Spain”. The aim of this study is to analyze new sources of employment and professions related to the ecological transition; and new skills and competencies required. This will lead to the development of a proposal to create skills in line with the needs identified. The study focuses on two areas: biodiversity conservation, green infrastructure, connectivity and ecological restoration, and climate change mitigation and adaptation.
The Biodiversity Foundation coordinates the Platform for Land Stewardship as a meeting place for all stewardship activities taking place in Spain, providing support to networks and organizations in the establishment of agreements, promoting stewardship as a conservation tool and managing national inventories of stewardship agreements. Land stewardship is understood as a philosophy that seeks to facilitate voluntary initiatives for the conservation of nature, landscape and cultural heritage in private and public properties, and in which the main protagonists will be, on the one hand, an owner and, on the other hand, a stewardship entity that advises him to carry out a management of his property oriented to the conservation of its values and natural resources. That is why the Platform assumes participation as an essential feature for its good achievement and seeks to count on the collaboration of the different actors of the stewardship movement for the development of the different activities it proposes.

The Biodiversity Foundation manages a call for grants aimed at promoting transformative projects of a scientific-technical nature that contribute to the promotion of the bioeconomy, the ecological transition, the demographic challenge and capacity building, promoting participation, gender equality and the generation of green jobs.
The call for grants was resolved in July 2022, resulting in 14 projects benefiting from these grants, from various fields such as agroecological transition, promotion of extensive livestock farming, forest bioeconomy and ecosystem restoration, which are part of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (PRTR), financed with European funds NextGeneration-EU, and endowed with €20 million.
The Biodiversity Foundation is also working on the design and implementation of future calls for grants that will continue to promote the bioeconomy, the ecological transition and the creation of opportunities and employment in the rural environment, in specific areas such as the forest bioeconomy or sustainable agriculture.

Also within the framework of the PRTR, the Biodiversity Foundation manages a call for support for CITES centers (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora), endowed with €4 million. The initiatives linked to these grants focus mainly on the rescue, sheltering and rehabilitation of specimens, as well as training and dissemination.