Job offer

Technician of 1st economic (temporary) of the Economic and Human Capital Area

The deadline for registration is 02/01/2024 11:59 pm

Support for administration, economic-financial management, monitoring, verification, etc.
and liquidation of the direct implementation projects and of the calls for proposals for grants of the
National Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (PRTR) and funds from the National Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (NRTRP) and the
Next Generation EU Recovery.



  • Administrative and financial management, as well as management and budget control of PRTR projects.
  • Review of the eligibility of all expenditures for PRTR projects managed by the unit.
  • Review as financial support technician of the eligibility of expenditures of PRTR projects.
  • Revision of the evaluation tables of the calls for proposals for grants associated with PRTR projects.
  • Preparation and analysis of cash flow forecasts.
  • Follow-up and economic review of project contracting. Support to the areas in the incidents that arise, management of invoices and their processing in the IT tool according to FB procedures.
  • Prepare or support in the preparation of any document, report or economic report of the projects that are necessary for their economic, financial and budgetary management according to FB procedures, including external reports.
  • Review the reports on the liquidation of the subsidies/aid of the project calls.
  • Supervise the follow-up of the technical and economic execution of the company’s own projects and those of calls for proposals.
  • Advise and support project teams in any economic task they may need (hiring, justifications, review of reports, among others).
  • Assist and provide training to the Areas in the processing of contracting and other processes of the Procedures and Contracting Manual.
  • Draft and update the manuals and action guides of the different procedures established related to the economic management of the PRTR and that bring the procedures closer to the practical management in the computer tools or ERP.
  • Support to area managers for design processes and improvement proposals,
    coordination, knowledge transfer, development and implementation of the ERP software tool and other management tools used in the area at any given time.
  • Manage economic incidences in the contracting of contract proposals and prepare the reports on contracting and resolutions for the signature of Management.
  • Review of the analytical and financial accounting of the projects and allocation to results. Proposal for the preparation of the corresponding accounting entries.
  • Participation in the external audit process of expenditures. Preparation of documentation and allegations in response to requests from the Intervención General de la Administración Estado (IGAE), Tribunal de Cuentas (TC) and other control bodies.
  • Controlling the execution of the technical assistance assigned to its subject.
  • Any other function entrusted by the Heads, Coordination, Sub-Directorate and Management.
  • A university degree (also formerly a diploma and bachelor’s degree) in
    Business Administration and Management, Economic Sciences and/or Sciences
    Business Administration or equivalent.
  • At least one year’s experience in the tasks described above under the National Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (PRTR) and Next Generation EU Recovery Plan funds.
  • At least three years of experience in economic-financial administration.
  • Advanced level of Excel (specific test may be taken).
  • At least four years of experience in or for the public sector.
  • Intermediate level of English (B1 level or equivalent)
  • Complementary training in Public Funds Management, Accounting, Budgeting and Sustainable Finance.
  • Temporary fixed-term contract for the execution of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan. (Fifth additional provision of Royal Decree-Law 32/2021), with a professional category of FIRST TECHNICIAN.
  • Gross Annual Salary: 31.611,50 €.
  • Job location: Fundación Biodiversidad headquarters in Madrid.
  • Expected duration: until December 2026.