Mining Law 22/1973 of July 21 and Royal Decree 975/2009 of June 12 establish that all mining operations must restore the affected area. The industry has the material, human and economic means to implement these plans and generate a positive environmental impact at the state level.
However, according to the Centro Tecnológico del Mármol, Piedra y Materiales (CTM), most of the restoration plans of the extractive sector are obsolete and uncoupled from state policies and interests such as biodiversity conservation, new climate change scenarios and population dynamics of exotic and invasive species.
The overall objective of the project is to design tools for the conservation and restoration of natural habitats and wildlife species in areas managed by the marble extractive industry. Through these two tools, the marble industry will contribute to the promotion of biodiversity in quarries and their area of influence, the prevention, early detection and eradication of invasive exotic species and the adaptation of restoration plans to climate change scenarios.
Among its specific objectives are:
Adaptation of natural stone quarry restoration plans for the conservation of species and habitats of interest, prevention and eradication of invasive species and adaptation to climate change (BioReSTONE).