The current Environmental Volunteering Program on Beaches and Rivers aims to involve young people in caring for the environment, so that they can actively participate in the conservation of natural ecosystems, the coastline and watersheds.
The Biodiversity Foundation is a public sector foundation belonging to the Ministry for Ecological Transition, whose purpose is to contribute to the protection and conservation of natural heritage and biodiversity from a double perspective: the direct execution of large conservation projects and the channeling of aid and funds for the development of environmental initiatives.
In order to contribute to achieving these objectives, for the past seven years, FB has carried out several Environmental Volunteer Programs.
In 2012 it launched the programme ‘Beaches, rivers, volunteering and land stewardship’ to promote the involvement of citizens in the conservation of the coast, in inter-community watersheds and in other natural spaces through the creation, consolidation and expansion of a network of volunteers who are involved in the maintenance and improvement of these spaces of high natural value.
In 2014 DECATHLON ESPAÑA SA, encouraged by the desire to promote the involvement of its employees and customers in actions to improve the natural environment, joins the FB to promote a pilot experience with 5 land stewardship entities. Given the success of this first initiative, the collaboration was renewed for the following three years, thus increasing its scope and positive impact.
The current Environmental Volunteering Program in Beaches and Rivers is developed during the years 2018 and 2019, and on the occasion of the commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the FB, it has wanted to involve young people in the care of the environment, so that they actively participate in the conservation of natural ecosystems, the coastline and watersheds.
As in previous editions, volunteering activities have been implemented with land stewardship organizations, and also with the participation of the project
project, for the effective and integrated management of the Natura 2000 network of marine areas.
For the implementation of the Programme, different areas of action have been established corresponding to the 5 Marine Demarcations (North Atlantic, South Atlantic, Strait and Alboran, Levantine-Balearic and Canary Islands) and the 12 Hydrographic Demarcations (Guadalquivir, Segura, Júcar, Miño-Sil, western and eastern Cantabrian, Duero, Tagus, Guadiana, Ebro, internal basins of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands, Atlantic and Mediterranean basins of Andalusia and the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla Basins) The 122 activities carried out in 2018 were carried out between the months of September and November, and have consisted of the cleaning of beaches, rivers and seabeds, whale watching, census of species, control of invasive species, conservation and restoration of ecosystems, construction and placement of nest boxes, bird ringing and training activities. communication and environmental awareness.
The good reception of the Program has been possible thanks to the 10 participating entities, which have managed to involve a total of 10,547 volunteers, of which 8,448 were minors.
This year 2019 will continue with the Environmental Volunteer Program, attached below are the links for registration in the activities:
Beaches of the North Atlantic marine demarcation: SEO BIRDLIFE.
Beaches of the Levantine-Balearic marine demarcation: GOB MALLORCA.
Beaches of the marine demarcation of the Canary Islands: CRUZ ROJA.
Hydrographic Demarcation of the Segura: LA CARRACA.
Hydrographic Demarcation of the Miño – Sil (also includes the hydrographic Demarcation Galicia Costa): ADEGA.
Western and Eastern Cantabrian Hydrographic Demarcation (also includes the Hydrographic Demarcation of the Internal Basins of the Basque Country): OXYGEN FOUNDATION
Hydrographic Demarcation of the Duero River: OXYGEN FOUNDATION
Guadiana Hydrographic Demarcation: GAIAMBIENTE
Ebro Hydrographic Demarcation: OXYGEN FOUNDATION
Hydrographic Demarcations of the Internal Basins of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands: SORELLONA
For more information please contact
Results of the 2018 Environmental Volunteer Program
Environmental Volunteer Program 2017
Video Environmental Volunteer Program 2016
Results of the Environmental Volunteer Program 2016
Video Previous editions