MASBIO is framed within the problems of the rural areas of the Mediterranean river basins, which face the enormous environmental challenges of managing and responding to water scarcity, reducing erosion and conserving their abundant biodiversity.
According to BC3, these problems have been aggravated by poor land management practices and climate change. MASBIO seeks to propose sustainable land management actions at the watershed level, including actions that generate synergies between the hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere, and promote sustainable rural development.
The Mijares river basin offers an ideal environment for the investigation of the challenges posed by adaptation to climate change in the Mediterranean and, therefore, constitutes an exemplary pilot study from which to replicate the methodology developed.
The main objective is the identification and promotion of sustainable land management practices in the Mijares river basin.
Specific goals include:
Sustainable land management practices and the preservation of BIOdiversity and other ecosystem services in the Mijares watershed (MASBIO)