We intend to expand and strengthen the transparency of public activity.

For this reason, we comply with Article 6 of Law 19/2013, of 9 December, on transparency, access to public information and good governance, and we make all the economic data and institutional documents of our entity available to you.

Our objective is to expand and strengthen the transparency of public activity, to regulate and guarantee the right of access to information relating to that activity and to establish the obligations of good governance that must be fulfilled by persons who exercise public responsibility.

    The communications that the Fundación Biodiversidad sends you in relation to the information requested will be sent telematically through your e-mail address..

    “At Fundación Biodiversidad we process your data to advise and respond to the user according to the information requested. You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, opposition, limitation, deletion and portability by sending an email to dpo@fundacion-biodiversidad.es. Mor information at Privacy policy. Any mail sent to this address for any other purpose will not be answered. In the drop-down menu that appears in the CONTACT section of this web page, you can find the different areas to which you can send your mail.”


    I declare, under my responsibility, that the information provided in this form is true and verifiable.*

    I would like to receive information about Fundación Biodiversidad's projects and activities..

      By using this reporting channel, the anonymity and/or confidentiality of the identity of the complainant, when reflected in the complaint, as well as of any third party mentioned, is guaranteed. Said anonymity and confidentiality will be carried out in accordance with the existing regulations to that effect..

      Citizens as complainant and respondent, as well as third parties with an interest in the procedure arising from such a complaint, will respect the rights and must comply with the duties arising from the FB's Anti-Fraud Measures Plan and the national and European regulations in force at the time of the complaint..

      Furthermore, FB is committed to not adopting any disciplinary measure or any type of reprisal, directly or indirectly, against those persons who, in good faith, have made a communication or complaint through any of the channels, although this measure does not imply any type of immunity for the offenders, nor does it limit the rights that correspond, in accordance with the regulations in force, to those who have been denounced. Likewise, it shall ensure that the complainant considers that there is no risk of retaliation, in any of its variants, before the complaint filed..

      Once the complaint is sent, you will receive an acknowledgement of receipt in less than 7 days and a response in less than 3 months as long as you provide your contact details..

      The facts should be described clearly and in as much detail as possible, indicating, if possible, the time and the process in which the events took place.

      If yes, indicate the body or entity to which the information has been sent (this information is requested in order to coordinate the investigation of the facts).


      I declare, under my responsibility, that the information provided in this form is true and verifiable.

      I would like to receive information about Fundación Biodiversidad's projects and activities..

      Economic data

      In compliance with Article 8 of Law 19/2013, of 9 December, on transparency, access to public information and good governance, the Biodiversity Foundation makes the following information available:

      To consult the grants awarded by the Fundación Biodiversidad, access the National Grants Database at: Grants awarded.

      In order to access the information on grants awarded, select the option “State Administration” in the “Grantor” section, and then click on “MINISTRY FOR ECOLOGICAL TRANSITION AND THE DEMOGRAPHIC CHALLENGE” in the drop-down menu.

      In the 2021 fiscal year, the salary of the Foundation’s management is detailed in the following concepts:

      Basic remuneration: €54,747.26.

      Complementary remuneration:

      • Post complement: 32,848.36 euros.
      • Variable allowance: may not exceed the amount of 2,063.95 euros.

      There is currently no resolution of authorization or recognition of compatibility.

      Institutional data

      In compliance with Article 8 of Law 19/2013, of 9 December, on transparency, access to public information and good governance, the Biodiversity Foundation makes the following information available:

      The Biodiversity Foundation has the permanent will to be part of national and international organizations that work for sustainable development. Likewise, it adheres to initiatives that pursue the preservation of the natural, social, cultural and economic heritage of the people.


      The fight against fraud is a key element in the management of European structural funds. In accordance with the regulations that govern them, the Biodiversity Foundation, as the managing entity of these funds, makes available to any person who may have knowledge of suspicious or irregular actions, within the framework of its actions, an access to the form for the submission of complaints and the description of the main aspects of the channel enabled for this purpose by the National Anti-Fraud Control Service. You can access it by clicking here.

      As stated in our Institutional Declaration, at Fundación Biodiversidad we consider the fight against fraud a key element in the management of European Structural Funds and we assume a zero tolerance policy. Consequently, in the area of management of these funds, we adopt measures to prevent, detect and correct fraud in order to protect the financial interests established by the European Union.

      You can consult our Institutional Statement here.

      Currently, the European Union has launched an unprecedented strategy aimed at repairing the damage caused by COVID19 and to transform the economy. This strategy is what we know as the European Recovery Plan, called Next Generation EU, which includes different grants, the most relevant amount corresponding to the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism.

      In Spain, in order to plan and structure the actions to be developed within the framework of the mechanism, the Government has launched the Spain Can project, which is embodied in the document of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan for Spain. The Biodiversity Foundation participates in its implementation as executing entity and, in order to control the funds allocated to this Plan, approved on December 23, 2021, a specific Anti-Fraud Measures Plan, which includes a series of proactive, structured and specific actions to manage the risk of fraud.

      You can check the Plan here.

      Finally and in accordance with the regulations that govern them, in particular Order HFP/1030/2021, (in an identified or anonymous form – at the choice of the whistleblower) we make available to our aid beneficiaries, suppliers or any person who may have knowledge of suspicious or irregular actions within the framework of our Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan actions, an access to the whistleblower channel for the communication of:

      a) Possible cases of irregular use or destination of public funds and conduct opposed to integrity or contrary to the principles of objectivity, efficiency and full submission to the law and the law;

      b) Conduct by our personnel involving the use or abuse for private gain of information that they have by reason of their functions, or that has or may have as a result the irregular use or destination of public funds or any other use contrary to the legal system; and

      c) Acts or omissions that could constitute administrative irregularities in the processing of files.

      Formulario de denuncias

      Alliances and adhesions

      The Biodiversity Foundation has the permanent desire to be part of national and international organizations that work for sustainable development. It also adheres to initiatives that pursue the preservation of the natural, social, cultural and economic heritage of the peoples.
