Call for aid for the promotion of the forest bioeconomy 2023

Terrestrial ecosystems

Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan - Next Generation EU

cerradura Closed call

Call for grants from the Biodiversity Foundation, on a competitive basis, to support transformer projects for the promotion of the bioeconomy linked to the forestry sector and the contribution to the ecological transition (regulated by Order TED/1014/2021, of September 20, and by Order TED/408/2023, of April 24, which amends the previous one).

*Order TED/1014/2021, which regulates the call for aid for the promotion of the bioeconomy approved in 2021, has been amended by Order TED/408/2023 to contain in its Chapter III the present call for forest bioeconomy 2023 and to change a number of aspects, collected in its sole Article. For this reason, we recommend that you refer to both orders to consult the conditions of the aid.

  • Contact e-mail address:
  • Start Date: 28/04/2023
  • End Date: 30/06/2023
  • Year of call: 2023
  • Total amount of the call: 77 million euros
  • Amount per project: Between 100,000 euros and 2 million euros
  • Source of financing: Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia